Where is blue sky
Trying to get the grey clouds behind me but with this I'm not going any faster
Can you tell there is hot spring here? Look at the ground... the colour
Looks like a nice village... so I stopped again
They were busy working on their field... getting ready for the winter
Potatoes - that is what they will be eating throughout winter and also what I have been fed throughout Tajik. People are very much self sufficient here, growing their own food but my host told me its hardwork and she doesn't like it.. she wants to live in the city but it will be too expensive... her husband is unable to get a job in the city and had to try his luck in Russia. There is no water at home so she has to go out regularly to carry buckets of water back...
so cute... ok kiddo you can have anything you want
Big feet small feet
Place to buy diesel... but I wanted petrol! .. if you need for cooking during that 100km of nobody route ahead, you should stock up petrol around Vrang as after that I don't find
Don't drink from the stream
It was a good meal but.... I started feeling awful in the middle of the night and had to run out of the house to throw up, almost couldn't make it in time and had food shooting out from the nose and mouth... it was messy
I thought I'll be fine, my host gave me bread that will last me for a few days as she knew there will be no villages for the next 100km until I'm back on M41 and we said our goodbyes....
After pushing up the crazy climb from Langar and puking along the way... yes I'm the culprit who was making yellowish splat (mashed potatoes from my stomach) on the road :(
It took me a long time to cover few kilometres... constantly resting my head on my handlebar
I still think I'm going to be fine.
Exhausted, with my head about to explode and no place to put my tent... I make do with the space at the side of the road.... crawled into my bivy with a temperature and dozed off
Pressed`on another few kilometres the next day still feeling restless, found a place to put the tent up and decided to call it a day
Good place to rest with such view and water source nearby
After some diarrhea runs, I set off again the next day
Sand @_@
Sand @_@
When I saw the road slowly winding up, my motivation was slipping. Then a jeep pulled up and asked if I was ok (there were 2 other tourists and a local guy in the car)...
I looked up with a forceful smile and blurt out..I'm fine, no problem and so they drove off... the sight of the jeep became smaller and smaller, I started to regret... I must be out of my mind, I'm not ok and its rare to even see a car on this stretch of road. Then magically I saw a silver moving object coming in my direction and a guy got off, running towards me waving his passport in his hand. He said, look we are from Switzerland, not terrorists (he really said this though it never crossed my mind they were talibans), let us help you... we can put your bike on the jeep..come with us.
To cut the story short, its the same jeep and they turned back for me.
.... I caved in. Thankfully my brain and mouth synchronised this time.
I looked up with a forceful smile and blurt out..I'm fine, no problem and so they drove off... the sight of the jeep became smaller and smaller, I started to regret... I must be out of my mind, I'm not ok and its rare to even see a car on this stretch of road. Then magically I saw a silver moving object coming in my direction and a guy got off, running towards me waving his passport in his hand. He said, look we are from Switzerland, not terrorists (he really said this though it never crossed my mind they were talibans), let us help you... we can put your bike on the jeep..come with us.
To cut the story short, its the same jeep and they turned back for me.
.... I caved in. Thankfully my brain and mouth synchronised this time.
Modern days knights came in jeep. When they stopped for photos, I will be disappearing somewhere to...... maybe I should stop talking about my bowel system
Feeling nausea and pain in the stomach, the jeep ride was awful. I was almost crouching like a ball on my seat, with the guys offering their medicines they brought from switzerland
There is no sign on Khargush Pass that I was supposed to cross on my bicycle but you'll see lots of stacked stones.
Instead of getting off at M41, I followed them to Bulunkul lake as there is a village there for me to recover.
In and around Bulunkul
Everytime I looked at this photo, it puts a smile on my face
Bulunkul lake on far left
Not far from Bulunkul lake is Yashikul lake.
Yashikul lake. If not for them, I wouldn't have come here
Bulunkul village
My Saviors. The brothers from switzerland (Stefiano & Emanuele) on the right, then the driver/guide (Nurali) and surprising the guy on the left was the son of Ayder, my host in Yamg.
Farewell guys! I stayed for another night to get better so I can cycle out myself
They left me medicines before they left
Doing laundry
Hot water that they have to boil for washing the clothes
External toilet - hole in the ground.. sometimes you can almost tell the health of the whole family >.<
Stacked cow dung... as there is no electricity.. they rely mainly on solar energy, battery and burning cow dungs. Winter can be as cold as -40 to -50 deg I was told
They get water from well
More cow dung
Something is cooking.... mmmm
Hand washing 'facilities'
Thanks for posing grandpa
''Mum, what have you done to my hair''
Lets play...
Hand in hand... lets take a stroll
Grandma took me out to pick cow dungs for burning...
This is too wet... not ready
Getting the hang of it... this is dried and ready to be collected
Walking back with a bag full of cow dung
Their kitchen
Making the dough for the bread - flour, yeast, oil, milk
Time for baking
Again the 'oven' was fire up with cow dung
05 Oct 15: 13.29km [Sunny]
06 Oct 15: 5.39km [Sunny]
07 Oct 15: 6.43km [Sunny]
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